Ew Portraits
Portrait Project - Motion - Sea Blue #Photography
For my final digital project for my first semester I took pictures of people in my life that I care about. #Photography
Fall Rose
My Digital Photography teacher decided she liked this photo so much that she wanted to hang it in the hall. So she made it poster sized,...
Come Sail Away
Self Portraits
Photoshop Projects
Talking About My Young Tumblr
So it is my eigth grade year and I am sick of middle school and it's only August. I was ready to move onto high school. I was excited -...
My first post! (i think…)
Nov 6, 2012 This blog is anonymous and is written by a fourteen your old. I am from alabama and I wanted to share some of my crazy...
The day after the election, or the day the republicans lost
Nov 7, 2012 Ok so today I walk into school and the first thing I hear is: “Obama is gay” “Obama is going to kill our community.” Just...