Ok so I have this teacher that I absolutely love ,she has helped me so much for the past two years. She is on the older side for teachers and umm she says she follows politics. She told our class that if Obama is elected again that China is going to attack. She said that China will take over because we owe them so much money. Apparently to her they will eventually take over, turn the U.S. in to a Communist country and kill everyone. It sounds like the apocalypse to me, just a different kind of zombies. A girl in my class started freaking out, I tried telling her that it wasn’t going to happen but my teacher kept talking. She said that Obama had no experience being president or a leader.?????? Now i’m pretty sure Obama has been our president for four years, in my book that means he has some experience. I love my teacher but I don’t think we are going to be taken over by China….